The History of Lions Clubs

The International Association of Lions Clubs began as the dream of a Chicago businessman – Melvin Jones, who believed that local business clubs of the time should expand their horizons to the betterment of their communities and the world at large.

He held the first organizational meeting on June 17, 1917 and was elected Secretary of that club. He asked what if people put their talents together and improved their community.

In 1920, Lions goes International with the addition of Canada and Mexico.

The single event having the greatest impact on the associations service commitment occurred in 1925, when Helen Keller addressed the Lions at their international convention in Cedar Point, Ohio. There, she challenged Lions to become “Knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness”. Since then, the focus has been on sight.

Today there are more than 1.4 million Lions around the world with more than 47,000 clubs and over 200 countries served.

Shillington Lions Club

Shillington Lions Club was Founded in 1944 and was sponsored by the Denver (PA) Lions.

Over the years our club continued to evolve and grow with our community as well as adjust to meet the needs of those we serve.

Over the years our meetings have been at various locations in the Shillington area including the Shillington Restaurant, Ironmaster, Deluxe Restaurant, Windsor Inn, Immanuel UCC, and now the Shillington Fire Company.

We currently have more than 20 members in our club both male, female, young, old, working and retired. All with the same thing in common: a distinguished heart for serving the Shillington community as well as the missions of Lions across the world.

Our members meet a variety of times over the year including general meetings where we aim to learn something new about our community or a non-profit. We also hold monthly board meetings where our board members address business reports and voting decisions.